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[Discuss] Open Source IPad Recommendations and a Laptop

MC wrote: 
> Reviving this old topic and adding to it a new twist: a now
> I'm searching for 2 peripherals that will supplement my functioning base
> Maybe I should start with the basics: the highest performing o/s I've worked
> with is (don't laugh) is W98SE because it had drivers written for it
> for all kinds of equipment (which I own a lot of and must keep using), and
> the O/S operated in a crisp binary manner and accepted all open source
> software. Now that said, I am looking to bring in a simple, high functioning
> laptop that will allow me to install and reinstall both O/S and applications
> so I am not tied to a fence post with either Apple or Microsoft, neither of
> which is winning any popularity contests with anybody. I just want to keep
> an efficient rate for the indefinite future.
> Any other suggestions?

What exactly are your requirements? Not your proposed solution
-- an "IPad" and/or a "laptop" -- but what are the things you
are going to use it for?

Do you have particular applications you want to run that aren't
web services? Are you wedded to particular names, or just want
the functionality?

What's your budget, and what's the timeline that you expect to
need it?
