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[Discuss] Software Updating Program Called "software"?

Looks like an update from Dell. Linux info is towards the bottom of the 
page referencing the same information and where to obtain the update.

On Sunday 30 April 2023 04:07:46 PM (-04:00), Kent Borg wrote:

 > Why did an apparent GNU program called "software" just pop up telling me 
I have things to update? I haven't seen that before, where did it come 
 > It wants to do the same updates that "apt-get upgrade" wants to do, but 
with the addition of:
 >   FW 22001070 Device Update
 >   22001050 -> 22001070
 >   This stable release fixes the following: *Fix the "Drive not detected" 
issue reported by the Dell ePSA tool in some rare cases.
 > Why doesn't "apt-get upgrade" know about this?
 > Thank you,
 > -kb