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[Discuss] still Re: Software Updating Program Called "software"?, but more laptops

On 5/2/23 08:07, Kent Borg wrote:
> Thanks for the general report on the Framework machines.

So just because I said I'm not in the market for a new laptop doesn't 
mean I didn't spend some time thinking about what I would choose if I 

I wouldn't equip it like a gaming machine, but I would put in lots of 
RAM (so I can run a modern web browser, without dipping into swap) and a 
pretty big (humongous by historical standards) SSD because having space 
in nice.

But it took me an embarrassingly long time of clicking here and there, 
seeing pictures of all those parts, that I realized how nice it would be 
to be able to repair by swapping sub-assemblies. Heck, maybe not even 
buy the 2TB of SSD as I was thinking, live with a "mere" 1TB (but faster 
model!) and upgrade to 2 or 4 later, when I actually need the space, and 
they might be cheaper.

I sure hope Framework is successful.
