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[Discuss] hosts.equiv

On June 18, 2023, dan moylan wrote:
>moylan cmd[448] ssh -p22 -i /home/moylan/.ssh/rsync.key moylan at aldeberan
>works without asking for a password.
>moylan cmd[449] rsync -r -e ssh -i /home/moylan/.ssh/rsync.key
>      /home/moylan/foo moylan at aldeberan:
>asks for a password.

I wonder if, in your rsync command, the -i option is being passed to
rsync rather than ssh, so rsync.key isn't being used.

Instead of passing SSH options on the rsync command line, create a
configuration for your remote host by adding this to ~/.ssh/config:

Host funky
 Hostname albeberan
 User moylan
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/rsync.key
 IdentitiesOnly yes

Then run:

  $ rsync -r -e ssh /home/moylan/foo funky:

See if that helps.

If it doesn't, then update your ~/.ssh/config entry with:

 LogLevel DEBUG

and see if the output provides any clues. If not, try:

 LogLevel DEBUG3

for way, way more debug information about what's going on.

Dan Barrett
dbarrett at