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[Discuss] Debian 12 vs. WSL 1

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023 18:49:40 -0400
Daniel M Gessel <daniel at> wrote:

> As a hobby software developer, I see the benefit: *nix isn't static,
> so simplification is generally "a good thing". More power to those
> who use Occam's razor to trim some bloat.

One of the more amusing things about this for me is that when I got
started in this field there were dozens of different UNIX vendors and
each one took their licensed AT&T code and changed things because they
could. Gratuitous Vendor Changes. And we *hated* it because we had to
resort to all kinds of hackery to make our tools work in heterogeneous
environments. And here we have Derek insisting that the mess we've been
fighting with for decades is preferable to cleaning up 40+ years of

\m/ (--) \m/