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[Discuss] LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community -- submit a session proposal


We are excited to announce the [LibrePlanet 2024 
conference](, which will be held both 
online and in-person. We invite you to submit a session for LibrePlanet 
2024: Cultivating Community, which you can do at

The conference, which is now in its 16th year of bringing people 
together for software freedom, is scheduled for March 2024 planned for 
the greater Boston area (exact dates and venue TBA). The deadline for 
submitting a session is now October 26, at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC). If 
you're interested in speaking and don't have any solid ideas on what to 
propose, check out [last year's LibrePlanet 
program]( for some ideas. Even if 
you don't have a topic that feels right this year: **please make sure** 
that your colleagues and friends in free software know that we want them 
to submit talks! I hope you'll share our call for sessions on your 
social media accounts**. The more proposals we receive, the more options 
we have to create a truly memorable and inspiring conference.

Finally, attendee registration will be opening soon, so if you don't 
intend to be at the front of the room, make sure to take your spot in 
the audience! You'll be able to register at 
<>. More information, including all the 
dates and times of office hours are published at 


Devin Ulibarri // Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Free Software Foundation

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