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[Discuss] Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting , reminder, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - Short Takes: CXL in High Performance Computing; and the UCIe Standard for Chip Design

When: October 18, 2023 7:00PM EDT (6:30PM for Q&A)

Topic: Short Takes: CXL in High Performance Computing; and the UCIe 
Standard for Chip Design

Speaker:??? Kurt Keville, Shankar Viswanathan

Location: Online:

Live stream:


    New developments in HPC and Chip Design, and various projects from
    the 2023 Student Cluster Competition


There are new hardware processes and programming paradigms that promise 
to dramatically improve process yields and performance. CXL will unlock 
academic research computing disciplines that currently have no solution 
path. These include deeply recursive codes and
applications that require large memory blocks.

Unified Acceleration (UXL), was announced last month at the Linux 
Foundation Open Source Summit with the goal of delivering a 
multi-architecture and multi-vendor software ecosystem for all 
accelerators based on open source standards. And Universal Chiplet 
Interconnect Express (UCIe) is helping to build an open ecosystem of 
chiplets for on-package


Shankar Viswanathan is the lead performance architect for AMD's 
Strategic Silicon products. He has worked on the design and verification 
of several generations of AMD processors. Most recently, he was on the 
design team for the SoCs that power game consoles such as the 
PlayStation5 and the Steam Deck. His general interests like at the 
intersection of performance and security in hardware platforms.


HPC Challenge Awards Competition at SC16:

CXL Forum @ HPC + AI on Wall Street:

 1. Student Cluster Competition 2023

For further information and directions please consult the BLU Web site:

Jerry Feldman<gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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