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[Discuss] Now you see it now you don't

On 11/27/23 09:33, E. William Horne wrote:
> I just got a brochure from a "Managed care" facility, with a "find out 
> more" link that pointed to a .pdf file. When I viewed the file, I 
> found out that highlighting any of the text caused it to vanish from 
> my screen, 
When you view it, does it come up in the Thunderbird viewer?

Can you copy the vanished text? (They set the highlight to somehow match 
the background color?) Or do they manage to crash the viewer?

Can you copy and send a copy of the link?

> and that any attempt to read the raw text of the email had been 
> blocked in Thunderbird. 

They manage to disable "View"->"Message Source Ctrl+U"? That is impressive.
