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[Discuss] Email Hosting Providers

I use MXRoute: .? I got the lifetime plan for $130, 
only use it for family emails.? So far I have no complaints.


On 12/3/23 11:46 AM, jbk wrote:
> I am looking to change my email / domain host to another provider.
> It needs to support pop3
> Zoho is one such that has been recommended.
> Before making the big move I would first setup a new domain with the 
> host and then setup a test pop3 account to verify I can manage their 
> email utilities and security features and get them to work on my 
> devices. Only after I'm satisfied I can manage the email account will 
> I then begin the process to move my domain and setup the real accounts.
> Any other recommendations of providers I should consider are welcome.
> I want to avoid office365 and gmail.