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[Discuss] Network Solutions E-Mail

'Amazon' tells me my payment didn't go through. Login to confirm.
'Xfinity' tells me my last payment has been 'suspend'. Please login.
I've won a free iPhone from Verizon. Login for your free phone.
I've won a free 'portable heater designed by Elon Musk'. Login for your free heater.
If it looks like a phishing attempt, it probably is.

On Friday 15 December 2023 11:36:10 AM (-05:00), Kent Borg wrote:

> Network Solutions wants me to confirm data on a domain I control. They sent me a link, but to some site I don't have any record of a password to. I'm not going to just start trying stuff, that's what phishers want us to do. Can I just ignore it??


> Thanks,


> -kb