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[Discuss] Network Solutions E-Mail

On 12/19/23 09:08, Kent Borg wrote:
> On 12/19/23 09:03, epp wrote:
>> If you run a 'whois' on the domain, the information should contain 
>> the name
>> of the domain's registrar.
> The domain registrar is not Network Solutions, but they are the WHOIS 
> server. Hmmm. I should ask the registrar.

Looks like my barebones registrar is a Network Solutions reseller, and 
there is a statement at the bottom of the e-mail saying that if my whois 
information is correct I don't have to do anything. (Though whois is all 
stupidly secret these days, so how would I know? Other than I know my 
essential contact information hasn't changed in many years.)

Sorry to bother y'all.
