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[Discuss] Lichee Pocket 4A

RISC-V cores were being used in GPUs alot, at least a few years back. It 
was the first I'd heard of real silicon using the instruction set.

It's all over the place now...

On 2023-12-22 16:48, Derek Martin wrote:
> I came across this, and I thought it was interesting:
> The Lichee (which I've just confirmed is an alternate spelling of
> lychee, the asian fruit) is a hand-held gaming console that runs Linux
> (not the first), and is based on RISC-V (it IS the first).
> I vaguely recall ages ago, in my architecture class, learning machine
> language for the ancient MIPS processor (using the SPIM simulator),
> which is very similar to RISC-V, and not entirely hating it. =8^)
> Happy holidays, BLU!