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[Discuss] Problem converting site from HTTP to HTTPS

Just a thought:

Might be interesting to make another copy, revert the change, and see
if you still have the problem.
(because sometimes two unrelated things happen)

On Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 6:17?PM scottmarydavidsam at
<scottmarydavidsam at> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I have an Ubuntu server running an Apache web server, hosting our corporate
> web site. We use CraftCMS for content management and MySQL as the backend
> DB.
> The site was built and has been running straight http for a number of years
> but I need to convert it to https. The server is a VM so I'm working on a
> copy.
> I've done the conversion and the site comes up but the layout is all messed
> up. The fonts are off and the graphics are oversized and in the wrong
> position. I've perused Craft to see if I can find anything out of place (I
> corrected a couple http designations) and I've searched the DB to make sure
> I have no references to http.
> I know I'm not giving a lot of info but I'm hoping the symptoms trigger
> someone's memory. Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance.
> Scott
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