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[Discuss] Problem converting site from HTTP to HTTPS

I think I found the issue, there are a couple sql queries buried in the CMS
folder tree (craft\storage\backups) that needed to be updated. The site
seems to be displaying properly now. I'm going to go through the http -
https process one more time to make sure I documented everything properly.

As an aside, I'm mostly a Windows support guy so I find it easier to work
within that environment. I mention that because to find the problem, I
copied the entire web site folder tree to a different PC where I was able
to more easily search for the string http: without opening individual
files. I suspect there are Linux option for that but I had a gun against my
head to get this fixed so I had to use what I know and others in my
situation may want an option that's easier for them.

One last question, I don't see my original messages, does the system send
to everyone except the sender?

Thanks to everyone who chipped in, you all pointed me in the right
direction, that's what makes groups like this work.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 8:53?AM Rich Pieri <richard.pieri at> wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Jan 2024 19:43:04 -0500
> Dan Ritter <dsr at> wrote:
> > - a reference to a CSS file on another machine was changed from
> > http to https without checking that it's actually available that
> > way
> Or that the CSS files are on the same machine but in a different
> location that is not being SSL-wrapped.
> --
> \m/ (--) \m/
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