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[Discuss] Email error after changing DNS servers?

On 8/16/24 06:11, Daniel Barrett wrote:
> On August 14, 2024, Daniel Barrett wrote:
>> I recently changed DNS servers to mitigate the "sitting duck" security hole
>> [...]
>> Since the change, I sometimes receive a diagnostic email from Google
>> that (to my eye) indicates a DNS-related problem [...]
> Thanks to Gregory Galperin who advised me to create a DKIM record
> for my domain. The problem appears to be tapering off now.

I recently started playing with Porkbun on the idea of moving 
over because I don't trust godaddy?so this caught my eye. And the first 
explanation I searched up of DKIM records was from Cloudflare, was not 
immediately simple, and then directed me to a wizard?which isn't going 
work if I'm not a Cloudflare customer so I thought: "I know! I'll search 
for Digital Ocean's explanation, they always have good explanations!"

Eh, then I remembered: Digital Ocean doesn't think individuals should be 
allowed to run their own e-mail servers. Bastards.

-kb, the Kent with more study ahead of him.