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[Discuss] Grub, EFI, Partitioning…

On 9/2/24 13:31, jbk wrote:
> If you do the grub install on the destination machine it should do the 
> efibootmgr step for you.

It looks like grub-install does most what I need, maybe followed by a 
grub-update for good measure.

But getting things set up correctly before is a bit tricky. Particularly 
once the boot partitions on my SSD went south, I'm running from a live 
"CD", and I needed to "mount --rbind" /dev, /proc, and /sys into the 
dead system's file system, then chroot into it?and do it there.

I'm worried my new SSD (in my new computer) has problems. Twice I have 
had my /boot/efi vfat fule system get broken in such a way that it 
wouldn't fsck back to health. The good news is I'm getting good at 
rebuilding it, and have my notes in git and pushed to another system for 

