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[Discuss] Wireguard and Traveling and Network Overlaps oh my!

You can use "rules" to send packets based on a set of rules that will
circumvent the routing table.

You set a rule that specific IPs be sent out through the VPN virtual

look up "ip rule set"

> I'm traveling a bit this weekend and I ran into some network wonk with
> my Wireguard VPN: My home network is The place I'm
> staying uses for their WiFi network. Because my home
> network overlaps their network, traffic to my home network doesn't go
> out the Wireguard interface. It goes out the default for their net.
> I doubt there is anything I can do about it now, but is there anything
> future me can do to try to avoid this kind of overlap? Other than
> re-addressing everything to use a different private network and hoping
> it doesn't overlap again? Which I can do but not from a motel room 250
> miles away.
> --
> \m/ (--) \m/
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