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[Discuss] apache

john abreau writes:

> Check the permissions on /home, the parent directory of your
> home directory. I remember having to change it from its
> default, because a cron job run from another user id was
> unable to access my home directory.

> I believe that /home originally had permissions something
> like drwx--x--x, and that I needed to add read permission
> for group and other before the cron script could access my
> home directory.

  moylan ~[1001] ll -d /home
  drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 12 240123:1900 /home/
  moylan ~[1002] ll -d /home/moylan
  drwxr-xr-x. 1 moylan moylan 732 241028:1740 /home/moylan/

ole dan

j. daniel moylan
84 harvard ave
brookline, ma 02446-6202
617-777-0207 (cel)
jdm at