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[Discuss] Wireguard and Traveling and Network Overlaps oh my!

On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 10:53:25 -0700
Kent Borg <kentborg at> wrote:

> But the GL people seem to ship OpenWRT on all their hardware. That 
> suggests that there will be longer support for this hardware.

GL ship a fork of OpenWRT, but the fork is their own UI on top of
vanilla. Full LuCI is available underneath, and you can flash vanilla
OpenWRT on almost everything. I'm told there is one recent device which
doesn't have vanilla OpenWRT available due to (apparently) Chinese laws
regarding privacy and VPNs so no open source code for it at this time.

Other than that? I'm willing to spend some money on a complete device
rather than spending money on a Pi or something and spending my time
figuring out how to make it do what the polished device does.

\m/ (--) \m/