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[Discuss] Postfix ailiaes question

On 1/10/25 2:03 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
> How do I get postfix to append some mail to a file?

After a lot of poking about I found out what was needed.

In /etc/postfix/ I needed to add:

> allow_mail_to_files = alias
> default_privs = ping_user

I think the first line was already part of the default value (and that I 
narrowed it) and the second line is the user that the file operation 
will happen as. I also created ping_user as a nologin user, set the 
ownership of the directory to that user.

Postfix didn't used to require this. But that was years ago.

It would be nice if the error message gave a little more context beyond 
just a permission error. (I should demand a refund.)

