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[BLU/Officers] Installfest issues

We either need to arrange for someone at MIT to let us in, or we can
call facilities. I would prefer the Sept 8th, as it may be necessary for
me to work on the 18th. We are moving out of our Newton Office to
IBM/Waltham/Tracer Lane, and our computers are moving to Littleton, the
old DEC/Compaq/HP facility

On 07/12/2012 06:36 PM, John Abreau wrote:
> Hi, guys.
> I requested August 25 for the Installfest, but E51-061 was unavailable, so
> we were assigned E51-395 instead. David pointed out that September 1
> was no good, due to the holiday weekend, so I resubmitted the request for
> alternate dates of August 18 and September 8.
> Also, the confirmation message includes new text about E51 being locked
> on weekends:
>> Also note that Building E51 is locked on the weekends. Attendees will need
>> to use their MIT ID cards to access the building at the entrance facing the
>> Amherst Street Parking Lot.
> Not sure if it's just a change of wording in the standard message
> boilerplate or
> if it represents an actual change in how we're able to access the building.
> If it turns out to be a problem, what are your thoughts about possible
> alternate
> locations for our Installfests? It says E51 is locked on weekends; it doesn't
> say *all* MIT buildings are locked.
> There must be other MIT buildings with suitable rooms that are close to decent
> parking and are easy for attendees to get to?
> I'm cc'ing Kurt, who presumably knows the MIT campus better than the rest
> of us, and may be able to recommend alternate locations.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Margaret Mahoney via RT <e19site at>
> Date: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:21 PM
> Subject: [ #2051284] Scheduling room for BLU Installfest, Sat Aug 25
> To: jabr at
> Hi John,
> Please read note below regarding E51 being locked on weekends.
> Thanks,
> Margaret
> *************************************
> IS&T BLU Installfest
> Please note that Rooms E51-315, E51-325, E51-335, and E51-345 are not
> available on the date and time indicated. We have reserved Room
> E51-395 for the BLU Installfest.
> Also note that Building E51 is locked on the weekends. Attendees will
> need to use their MIT ID cards to access the building at the entrance
> facing the Amherst Street Parking Lot.
> DATE:               Saturday, August 25, 2012
> TIME:                8:00 a.m. ? 6:00 p.m.
> ROOM:             E51-395 (tiered, seats 70, tables and chairs, has
> video projector)
> EVENT/RESERVATION #:         04W9I (zero four W nine I)
> If you have any questions, or your plans for this/these room(s) should change,
> please contact the Schedules Office by email at schedules at or
> by calling x3-4788.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ?           Food and beverages are NOT permitted in our classroom space.
> ?           If you rearrange the classroom, or if you find the
> classroom in disarray, please set the room back to rows with chairs
> facing the front blackboard.
> ?           If you borrow chairs from another room, you must return
> them to that room.
> ?           If your event takes place in the Stata Center (Building
> 32) - Please contact the Campus Activities Complex (617-253-3913) if
> your event requires the use of the ?Student Street? or any additional
> space, set-up, equipment not included in the room description or any
> other support.
>             - Contact CAC if your event takes place during a weekend,
> as each of the Stata Center classrooms are locked for the entire
> weekend and you will need to make entry arrangements.
> ?           If you are planning to use the Atrium in E25 - Contact
> Whitaker College Headquarters, x3-4317, E25-525 (Barbara Engel,
> bengel at to schedule your event and make a reservation for the
> atrium.
> ?           Erase the blackboards before leaving.
> ?           Remove your trash; classrooms are not cleaned on a daily basis.
> ?           The Schedules Office may charge your group for the cost of
> cleanup, if the classroom you reserved is left in disarray.
> ?           Leave the classroom unlocked.  If you are locked out of
> your reserved classroom between the hours of 9am-5pm, Monday through
> Friday, contact the Schedules Office at 617-253-4788.  If you are
> locked out after 5pm and on weekends, contact Facilities at
> 617-253-1500.  You may need to show your reservation confirmation when
> a staff member arrives to unlock the classroom.
> THANK YOU for your cooperation.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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