Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

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[BLU/Officers] Fwd: Boston Linux and Unix Annual Summer BBQ XVIII Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:00 PM

We did talk about this on the officer's list, back in May. You even
on May 17, you sent a message indicating that you had a conflict for Aug 4,
but that the other dates were fine.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 2:00 PM, David Kramer <david at> wrote:
> Don't we usually talk about scheduling this on the officer's list?  Once
> again, I'm not available on that date.  I'm not saying you should move
> it on my account, but it would be nice to at least ask beforehand.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Boston Linux and Unix Annual Summer BBQ XVIII Saturday, July
> 28, 2012 1:00 PM
> Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 14:07:10 -0400
> From: Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
> Reply-To: discuss at
> Organization: Boston Linux and Unix
> To: Boston Linux <announce at>,  Greater New Hampshire LUG
> <gnhlug-discuss at>
> Boston Linux and Unix Annual Summer BBQ XVIII
> When:  Saturday, July 28, 2012 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
> Where:  John and Shelley Chambers' home
> 33 Cedarwood Avenue, Waltham, MA.
> BYOF - Bring Your Own Food
> Boston Linux & Unix is holding its seventeenth annual summer BBQ on
> Saturday, July 28, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
> Guests are encouraged to bring along something for the grill and the
> snack table. We're holding the barbecue at the same location as the past
> few years, John and Shelley Chambers' home at 33 Cedarwood Avenue,
> Waltham,MA.
> Please refer to the BLU website for further details and directions.
> --
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
> Boston Linux and Unix
> PGP key id: 537C5846
> PGP Key fingerprint: 3D1B 8377 A3C0 A5F2 ECBB  CA3B 4607 4319 537C 5846
> _______________________________________________
> Officers mailing list
> Officers at

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
PGP KeyID: 32A492D8 / Email: abreauj at
PGP FP: 7834 AEC2 EFA3 565C A4B6  9BA4 0ACB AD85 32A4 92D8

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