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[BLU/Officers] Fwd: Linux User Group // Jan '14 Publisher Offer- New Releases from Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall & SAMS

I have ordered the books, below. I also have 2 seats for the Linux
System Admin LiveLessons. We need to figure out how to give those out.
Should have the books by the next meeting.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Linux User Group // Jan '14 Publisher Offer- New Releases from
Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall & SAMS
Date: 	Thu, 23 Jan 2014 16:25:06 -0500
From: 	Fox, Heather < at>
To: 	Heather Fox < at>
CC: 	ptgcommunity+ka413wom at

Hello LUG Leader, I hope your 2014 is off to an excellent start!

I'm writing now to offer review copies of relevant new products for the
benefit of your Linux User Group. 

NEW RELEASE OFFERS (we also have new titles on web dev topics including
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML & CSS- please let me know if these would
likewise interest your group):

-- (PRINT bundled with DVD) New 7th Edition, "*A Practical Guide to
Fedora and **Red Hat** Enterprise Linux"* by Mark Sobell
(Pearson/Prentice Hall Professional, Jan. 2014, ISBN 9780133477436
<>); *Summary: In
this comprehensive guide, one of the world?s leading Linux experts
brings together all the knowledge and real-world insights needed to
master and succeed with today?s versions of Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (coverage of Fedora 19 and RHEL 7 (beta). Best-selling author
Mark Sobell explains Linux clearly and effectively, focusing on skills
readers actually need as a user, programmer, or administrator. In 29
chapters, he teaches how to install and configure Linux from the
accompanying DVD (Fedora 19), navigate its graphical user interface,
provide file/printer sharing, configure network servers, secure Linux
desktops and networks, work with the command line, administer Linux
efficiently, and automate administration using Python
and *bash*. Publisher

-- (PRINT bundled with DVD) "*Ubuntu **Unleashed: 2014 Edition*" by
Matthew Helmke (Pearson/SAMS, Nov. 2013, ISBN 9780672336935); *Summary:
This latest edition covers Ubuntu 13.10 and the forthcoming 14.04, and
is bundled with a DVD containing Ubuntu 13.10. Author
Matt Helmke exhaustively covers installation, configuration,
productivity, multimedia, development, system administration, server
operations, networking, virtualization, security, DevOps, and
more. Helmke served from 2006 to 2011 on the Ubuntu Forum Council,
providing leadership and oversight of the Ubuntu Forums, and has written
about Ubuntu for several magazines and websites, as well as being the
lead author of "The Official Ubuntu Book". Publisher page:
Sample Chapters: "Introduction" & Chp #9, "Managing

-- (VIDEO) "*Linux System Administration LiveLessons*" presented by
Ben Whaley (Pearson/Prentice Hall Professional, Dec. 2013,
ISBN 9780133551310); *Summary: Ben Whaley provides novice Linux users
with 5+ hours of step-by-step training covering essential system
administration responsibilities and skills. The content comprises (9)
video lessons featuring command-line examples and conceptual discussion.
The video tutorials offer practical advice for real world system
administration, such as encouraging the use of shell shortcuts and
automation to reduce tedious manual tasks and improve administrative
efficiency. Ben is a co-author of the /UNIX and Linux System
Administration Handbook (/a latter edition of the original/ /classic Evi
Nemeth text) He has been managing Linux systems since 1999 and is a Red
Hat Certified Engineer. Publisher page inc. sample

-- (PRINT) "*The Technical and Social History of Software Engineering*"
by Capers Jones (Pearson/Addison-Wesley Professional, Dec. 2013, ISBN
9780321903426); *Summary: Pioneering practitioner Capers Jones has
written the definitive history of this world-changing industry. Drawing
on several decades as a leading researcher and innovator, he illuminates
the field?s broad sweep of progress and its many eras of invention. 
Decade by decade, Jones examines trends, companies, winners, losers, new
technologies, productivity/quality issues, methods, tools, languages,
risks, and more. Inspired by Paul Starr?s Pulitzer Prize?winning /The
Social Transformation of American Medicine/, Jones? new book is a tour
de force?a compelling read for anyone who wants to understand how
software became what it is today. Publisher
Sample Chapter #1: "Prelude: Computing from Ancient Times to the Modern

Please reply indicating which of the above you wish to receive!
REMINDER: If your shipping address has changed in the past several
months, please make note!
Many thanks, Heather Fox

Heather Fox
Senior Public Relations and Community Manager 
Pearson North America ? Professional and Personal Technology
Addison-Wesley Professional, Prentice Hall Professional, Sams
Publishing, IBM Press

330 Hudson St., 7th Floor
New York, NY

D: 212-641-6539 <tel:212-641-6539>
M: 718-813-8623 <tel:718-813-8623>

Twitter: @informit; @heather_fox

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