BLU Sampler3 list archive
September 12, 2014
09:23 am :: [Sampler3] Just sent a message to officers from this address (Gerald Feldman )
09:20 am :: [Sampler3] Telnet test, addressed to sampler3 (Jerry Feldman )
09:15 am :: [Sampler3] Telnet test, cc'ed to sampler3 (Jerry Feldman )
09:15 am :: [Sampler3] Telnet test, addressed to sampler3 (jabr at )
09:13 am :: [Sampler3] Telnet test, cc'ed to sampler3 (jabr at )
09:12 am :: [Sampler3] Jerry says his test msgs didn't arrive? (Gerald Feldman )
09:09 am :: [Sampler3] Jerry says his test msgs didn't arrive? (Jerry Feldman )
08:50 am :: [Sampler3] Jerry says his test msgs didn't arrive? (John Abreau )
08:46 am :: [Sampler3] Jerry says his test msgs didn't arrive? (Jerry Feldman )
08:42 am :: [Sampler3] Jerry says his test msgs didn't arrive? (John Abreau )
07:19 am :: [Sampler3] testing new mailman install (John Abreau )
06:56 am :: [Sampler3] testing new mailman install (Jerry Feldman )
03:10 am :: [Sampler3] sampler test - mhonarc (John Abreau )
01:59 am :: [Sampler3] testing new mailman install (John Abreau )
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