Must use MS-word. Help!.

Adrian Hall adrian at
Sat Dec 9 23:10:51 EST 1995

cc:Mail, Organizer and Notes should work under Wine when it stabilises
providing you can map a pseudo-drive letter to the shared data area.  This
is normally M:\CCDATA --- so ask where the cc:Mail post office data area

However, cc:Mail still crashed my machine when used in that way.  cc:Mail
still doesn't cut it from here.  Its system admin side sucks but its
user interface is great.

On the MS Word side, I think you didnt perceive the problem.  It is 
relatively easy to get a decent word processor on Linux --- it is not
so easy to get the managers to send you documents in a format that you
can understand.  I have the startings of an MS-Word to Latex converter,
which will allow me to read such documents ---- graphics give me
problems, as do some of the more esoteric functions in the file format,
but it is almost there.  This was simpler than convincing 55 managers
that they should send me RTF documents.

Adrian Hall					adrian at
Systems & Networking Engineer			ahall at
(at home)

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