LOCAL -- Boston, MA - 12/18/96 - Boston Linux & Unix Group , [BLU.ORG]
Guy W Bzibziak
guybz at world.std.com
Thu Dec 12 23:19:46 EST 1996
Subject:LOCAL -- Boston, MA - 12/18/96 - Boston Linux & Unix Group [BLU.ORG]
Keywords: Unix Linux Java BLU.ORG Internet Programming Languages
Meeting Topic for December: "Java -- the BIG Picture"
^^^^^^^^ (Oops!)
Presented by: Bill McKeeman <mckeenan at zko.dec.com>
Java is a new programming language. It has been very quick to catch
on. It will change your life.
The talk is a wide-ranging exposition of what has, is and will happen in
the Java space according to my crystal ball. Subtopics are "How can
anybody make money on it?", "What will happen in the C, C++ and Java
wars?" "Can the NC eat the underbelly of the PC?", and so on. There is
plenty of room for controversy and discussion during the talk.
Bill McKeeman develops system software for Digital. His current technical
interests are improving compile speed and responsiveness and also the
application of Software Engineering techniques, especially reuse and
testing, to small programming projects. He has been on the faculty of the
Wang Institute Masters in Software Engineering program, the University of
California at Santa Cruz and Stanford University. He is a member of IFIP
Working Group 2.3 (Programming Methodology). He founded the Summer
Institute in Computer Science programs at Santa Cruz and Stanford.
He has published work in the areas of compilers, programming language
design, and programming methodology. He holds patents for stack
mechanisms in computers and incremental compilers. Patents are pending
for inventions related to unit testing and random testing. He has done
extensive consulting for firms such as Burroughs, IBM, The Mathworks, TRW,
Wang and Zilog.
Who: Boston Linux & Unix Group [BLU.ORG]
Date: 18 December 1996, Wednesday
Time: 7:00 pm.
Place: MIT, Building 4 Room 231
The Boston Linux & Unix Group [BLU.ORG], is the successor to the Boston
Computer Society's Linux & Unix User Group. We want to promote the
awareness and use of Open Systems, and to educate the public and our
members about Open Systems.
Linux is a UNIX-like operating system built around POSIX standards.
>From its inception less than six years ago, it was developed over the
Internet by a group of people who (for the most part) have never seen
each other, and now runs on an (estimated) 1,000,000 computer systems.
The operating system (and the source code for it) is free to anyone
who wants it. It has been ported to at least the following platforms:
Intel, SPARC, Alpha, MIPS, PPC, and M68K. This is probably the largest
development project ever accomplished using the Internet.
For the latest information on this talk, please see the URL:
>>>> http://www.blu.org/ <<<<
Please Note: This Page is Still Under Construction!
Guy Bzibziak * "Walk! Not bloody likely. I am going in a taxi."
Boston, MA USA * - Pygmalion, by G. B. Shaw
Internet: guybz at world.std.com
Voice# (Days Only): 617-536-5200 FAX# (Days Only): 617-536-0394
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