Meeting Wed, Feb 19

Lar Kaufman lark at
Tue Feb 11 09:21:45 EST 1997

John, I'll try to make it to the admin meeting on the 12th.  can you
give me directions, please?  I can pull together a presentation on
Linux as a Student Environment, or perhaps a discussion of Legal
Issues in using Linux as a Software Development Platform.  (I'm working
on that as an independent line of research, but I'm not there yet.)
Anyhow, we should discuss this further.  Oh, I could definitely talk
about printing in Linux, if you think that's an interest--I've found 
that a surprising number of users have a lot of difficulty setting up
lpr, printing graphics files, and the like.  I've done a lot of R&D
in that area.

  Lar Kaufman    lark at     lark at    lark at
   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +
  _Running Linux_ 2nd. Ed. Aug. 1996, Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman, Authors
                                      O'Reilly & Associates, Publishers

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