A video tape for the fire-proof safe
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
cdoerbec at cso.fmr.com
Mon Dec 21 12:45:16 EST 1998
> Hey,
> If you have the storage space, we've got the bandwidth. It was real nice
> of you to offer to mpeg encode BLU meetings and put them up on your web
> page for those who occasionally miss the meetings. ;-) Maybe next time
> you will put the camera in a front row seat and record the presentation,
> since the audience is kind of boring to look at for extended periods of
> time?
Errr... (?) I didn't know that I had offered to encode the entire BLU
meeting, but it's worth considering. Maybe it should be a 1999 goal,
for BLU to do a streaming-video meeting. Kinda like Oprah when she dedicates
the year to drunks, we could dedicate ourselves to getting the streaming
Perhaps, we could work towards a BLU game show for next December?
(again with the game show!)
- Christoph
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