The halloween document...
Michael O'Donnell
mod at
Wed Nov 4 12:03:18 EST 1998
>This document is required reading for anyone claiming to
>to a Linux advocate.
> The body of the Halloween Document is an internal strategy
> memorandum on Microsoft's possible responses to the Linux/Open
> Source phenomenon. Microsoft has publicly acknowledged that this
> memorandum is authentic, but dismissed it as a mere engineering
> study that does not define Microsoft policy.
It is a fascinating document, especially now that Microsoft
acknowledges its authenticity. But beware; they're anything
but stupid out in Redmond, and more than a few of us have
been wondering if this "leak" wasn't some form of triple-
reverse psychology somehow related to the DoJ suit...
(It still makes excellent reading - don't miss it.)
[ As if you could avoid it... ! ]
Michael O'Donnell mod at
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