More Processes

Mike Bilow mikebw at
Tue Nov 24 12:59:00 EST 1998

Jerry Feldman wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

 JF> I don't necessarily agree. As I mentioned earlier, the
 JF> constant  which  controls the number of processes per user 
 JF> is:/usr/src/linux/include/linux/tasks.h
 JF> #define NR_TASKS        512


 JF> I verified this by changing 512 (which allowed me 244 tasks
 JF> for a non-root  user) to 768 which allowed over 380
 JF> processes, which was the expected  number. I think what Mike
 JF> was referring to is the number of open files.  There is also
 JF> a user and system wide limit here also. Again, most Unix 
 JF> systems have these limits built in to the kernel.

The information I posted may be out of date.  If Jerry says he tested his
change and it works, I would be prepared to take his word for it.

There is no reason to have this configurable anywhere except in kernel source
for Linux where people are expected to recompile their kernels anyway.
-- Mike

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