Encryption, etc.

Soup Master linuxguy at ici.net
Thu Apr 1 21:19:40 EST 1999

My favorite book is:

Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier
Second Edition
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0-471-11709-9

It's fantastic reading.  The author mixes in a lot of history with
the technical stuff, so even when my thinking-cap is off, the book
still makes for good bed time stories for the kids ;-)

"Mark Spencer" wrote:
> I'm looking for recommendations on books that include everything from basic
> theory through design and implementation - on encryption, digital
> certificates & signatures, and related technologies (for the uninitiated!).
> Are there such books that people have found valuable?

| christoph
| linuxguy at ici.net
| http://home.ici.net/~linuxguy

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