How to make money with linux...
Mike Bilow
mikebw at
Wed Apr 7 06:17:00 EDT 1999
John Chambers wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:
JC> One of the entries is "". I've been
JC> wondering: If I were interested in having a mobile
JC> linux machine, what sort of options would I have? Suppose
JC> I wanted to put together a laptop (handheld?) with a
JC> radio modem, what sort of hardware is available? In how much
JC> of the world could the modem actually successfully
JC> connect the machine to the Internet?
We've had some success with the Motorola PM100C modem, which is a PCMCIA device
that talks over the cellular network using CDPD. Bell Atlantic Mobile has a
plan which provides unlimited airtime for about $60 per month, which is not
unreasonable. However, this unit is discontinued, expensive, eats batteries at
an incredible rate, and does not support external power. In fact, due to
errors in the supplied INF file, configuring the PM100C under Linux is actually
a lot easier than under Windows!
We are very excited about the imminent release of the Uniden DATA2000, another
PCMCIA CDPD device that should correct most of the deficiencies of the Motorola
for a street price well under $300. The interface, we have been assured in
discussions with Uniden, is standard PPP to a serial port, just like the
Motorola. If so, we expect Linux to be fully compatible.
-- Mike
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