Looking for speaker for gnu autoconf/automake

Mike Bilow mikebw at bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net
Wed Apr 7 18:27:00 EDT 1999

Patrick McManus wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

 PM> on a related note, in the summer I would be willing to do a
 PM> session on doing distributed development using
 PM> CVS/lxr/bonsai.. I've done a lot of that in both large and
 PM> small groups.. Its rapidly becoming the defacto model for
 PM> opensource projects. (as well as private ones!) I can even
 PM> draw some comparisons to older things like RCS/SCCS and to
 PM> current stuff like ClearCase.. I don't know if there is any
 PM> interest out there though?

I would very much like to see this talk if you do it.  Count me (and several
other people here) in as interested.
-- Mike

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