This weekend's Ken Gordon Show

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Fri Apr 23 09:10:03 EDT 1999

The Boston Linux and Unix group has a booth at the Ken Gordon Productions
show being held at the Royal Plaza Convention Center in Marlborough, Ma.
We plan to have volunteers at this show for the entire two days. We found
that attending these shows increases the Linux awareness. We try to plan
our installfests to follow these shows because it improves attendance. 

I don't know the booth number, but please don't hesitate to stop by.
Admission to the show is free. For those of you who have not attended one
of these shows, you can get some pretty good deals, but buyer beware. Most
of the vendors are honest, but there are a few jerks, especially the guy
who sells the printers. 

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix

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