
David Kramer david at
Thu Apr 29 01:29:41 EDT 1999

I can go in the morning to help out, and can bring the stuff I mentioned
in the meeting (lots of extension cords, power strips, phone line
simulator, etc), but I can only stay for a while.  I remember there was
a BBQ in Waltham last year, at the house of one of the members, but I
forget which one.  Would it be possible for that person to take the
stuff home, and for me to get it from them later?  Anywhere near Waltham
would be fine.  I work in Kendall Square, so that area would be fine

Is there any other supplies we might need?

Is it really starting at 8:30am?  I have a toddler so I'll have been up
for hours, but should I really be there then?
DDDD   David Kramer                    david at
DK KD                        
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