Config of RH6 networking?

Brian Conway dogbert at
Mon Aug 9 15:13:17 EDT 1999

> I would appreciate tips, tricks, and/or links concerning configuration of
> Red Hat 6.0 networking so I can communicate with other machines, I do not

As long as you have the correct information for IP, netmask, gateway, etc,
you should be able to get things up and working without too much effort.
Redhat has a few network configuration utilities that work nicely if you
don't want to deal with /etc/sysconfig files.

> wish to run a lot of services.  Also does anybody know the best way to
> commicate with other machines using VT320 emulation.  The network I wish to


> become a member of contains alot of NT, Unix, VMS, and I will be the 2nd
> person to run Linux (out of 3000 machines)... :-)  I just want to make sure
> I don't "mess anything up" on the network.

It's usually quite difficult to mess up machines other than your by sheer
accident.  However, I have a warning after a run-in with Microsoft's
bastardized versions of network protocols.  DO NOT RUN A SAMBA SERVER AS A
PREFERRED MASTER.  I have been using this samba setting for a good long
time both at home and work.  Very basically, it nicely allows
machines that open up network neighborhood to use your machine as a master
and just read off a list of machines on the neighborhood, rather than
searching through often thousands and compiling such a list.  I had been
using some version of samba a few months ago at school with the setting
enabled, and all of a sudden the windoze machines on my group could no
longer browse the list and would time out.  *nix boxes all worked fine for
browsing the neighborhood of course.  This went on for about a week
(though I was unaware of any problem, having never run into it myself)
until I was ceremonious kicked off the network.  I was unaware that it was
my fault that Microsoft bastardized their protocols enough to allow me to
destroy smb sharing with a bad samba setting, yet I managed to lose my
network connection for a few days as punishment.  So the moral of the
story: don't do that.

I still use samba as a preferred master both at home and work, and have
never run into a problem that affected anyone again (still unsure on the
_real_ cause of it). I guess that was just more of a story than a useful
warning, but hey it was fun.  I think that's the only time I've run into a
situation of affecting the connectivity of other machines besides one's

Brian Conway
dogbert at

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