Don Fletcher: Linux Demo Day '99 & SuSE
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
ccb at
Wed Aug 25 11:37:52 EDT 1999
Here come the Linux Demo Days freebies....
See forward that follows. So should I have this stuff shipped to the
A quick update on Boston area LDD activity:
Softpro says "Come On Down!" the Wesbrorough store isn't actually
there yet but we can probably do anything within reason. More about
this soon.
Barnes & Noble Burlington are being softened up but no "yes" yet.
I have the number for Borders in Braintree and will make the call today
to get things rolling for an event 9/18. We already have two volunteers
for this event.
There are other events in the works at U. Conn (eclug), Bangor & Portland
(melug) and Keene State (monadlug). Andy and I from Worcester should
be able to knock something into place for WPI or similar location in
Worcester County.
Anybody want to tackle setting up one or more On Campus events in the
Boston area? Suggestions?
Now for cool stuff: SGI has asked if we enjoy the presence of
Jeremy Allison - one of the lead Samba developers. I said "sure".
We'll plan on having him on hand at the Softpro event. If anybody
can concoct another event that would be a cool use of Jeremy's time,
please get it out onto the table.
Charles C. Bennett, Jr. VA Linux Systems
Systems Engineer, 1382 Bordeaux Dr.
US Northeast Region Sunnyvale, CA 94089
+1 617 543-6513 +1 888-LINUX-4U
ccb at
"We put the Oh! in .org"
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From: Don Fletcher <dpfletch at>
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Subject: Linux Demo Day '99 & SuSE
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Greetings from SuSE!
We would like to make the most recent SuSE Linux distribution available to
your Linux User's Group's members, and want to send your LUG some free
merchandise - such as SuSE Linux 6.2 Evaluation CDROMs - to give away at
your next meeting, or to use for your Linux Demo Day activities during the
week of September 12 ( ).
To do this, we need some information BY THURSDAY, AUGUST 26th:
1. Please confirm that this is the correct contact e-mail address for your
LUG, or send us the correct address.
2. Let us know HOW MANY PEOPLE typically attend your LUGs meetings.
3. Please send us a recipient's name and SHIPPING address where we can
send a package of free materials for distribution to your LUGs members.
4. Finally, when does your LUG usually meet?
Thanks for responding! We look forward to sending you SuSE's "goodie box"!
The staff at SuSE, Inc.
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