Alpha-based Multia Hardware Lockup Problem (fwd)
Jameel Akari
jakari at
Mon Dec 6 19:04:58 EST 1999
Sounds like a dead NVRAM battery. Mine died and the system did
nasty things like this.
> booting and sometimes will not boot at all (especially after it has been
> running for a minute or so). I thought it might be a heat problem, so I
There *is* also something that was called "heat death" on these
where solder joints just go bad on them. Given the very, very high
density of the solder vias on that thing, it's impossible to locate.
> attached to the CPU heatsink.. same problem. I swapped out RAM, reseated
Suggest that he run a blower straight across the heatsink.
Sticking a Pentium hs/fan on top of the stock one will not move enough
heat. Though it shouldn't overheat in 5min in open air, unless under 100%
cpu load.
> set aside for almost a year and hasn't worked well since.
But that's why I think it's the battery. Mine worked fine once I
changed it.
Jameel Akari
ICQ: 27182003
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