OpenBSD questions: (1) memory; (2) Mitsumi CD-ROMs
John Abreau
jabr at
Wed Dec 22 14:54:31 EST 1999
On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Seth Gordon wrote:
> (1) The machine has 4 MB RAM, and nobody makes the kind of SIMMs it
> uses any more (SIMMs of 30-pin, 1-MB, parity RAM). I just want to
> use this thing as a firewall and mail/news server; for these purposes,
> how much will the limited RAM slow me down? And does anyone out there
> want to sell me 4 MB of obsolete RAM?
I did a search on for "simms 30-pin buy", and came up with 537
matches. The first one,, has the
following listed:
Description Prices
1MB SIMM FPM w/parity 5.75
1MB SIMM FPM w/o parity 5.00
4MB SIMM FPM w/parity 16.75
4MB SIMM FPM w/o parity 14.50
16MB SIMM w/parity 28.75
16 MB SIMM w/o parity 27.50
John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email: jabr at / URL:
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
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