Microsoft Proxy Client + Linux
ghia at
Fri Dec 24 13:37:03 EST 1999
Hi Everyone,
I have two questions actually, here goes:
1. I'm trying to hook up my laptop (runing RedHat 6.1) to my company's
network, but I'm not sure how to go about configuring it for the Microsoft
(urrg) Web Proxy the we have set-up on the comm. server. The only thing I
can do now is pop mail off of the exchange server (no outside mail), and
use netscape with the proxy options set. I need to be able to telnet, and
and pop outside mail.
2. I've been told that you can set up multiple network profiles (ie
different ip's, subnet masks, gateways, etc) easily by configuring
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts; and then use'cardclt scheme <profile>' to switch
between the profiles. Unfortunately I haven't found any documentation on
this (though I must admit I haven't looked too hard). Does anyone have a
sample config.opts file they could send me, or atleast point me in the
right direction.
Thanks alot,
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