choosing base addresses on NICs

Mark Donnelly gimli at
Mon Dec 27 13:41:25 EST 1999

Hey there:

Your post got my memory jogging about some Linux based utilities for doing
diagnostics on the 3c509 cards.  Looking further, there's a 3c5x9-utils
package that I downloaded once upon a time from redhat's contrib site.
This allows you to play with your network card settings.  (Warning from
experience: don't even try to look and see what it looks like from over a
network... I figured just looking wouldn't hurt, but I was wrong.)

Anyway, looking at the rpm information, I was reminded that Donald Becker
(of Beowulf fame) was the one who did it, and so I went looking on the
beowulf pages... I tracked down, which should give
you a driver capable of handling two 3c509 cards (even as a module!), and
instructions on how to do it.


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