PPP Modem - part 2
Mark Tolman
mtolman at cyberdude.com
Tue Feb 2 20:38:18 EST 1999
Hi. I recently subscribed to this maillist, so I hope I'm not out of line
here by responding.
This sounds like it's a routing or DNS issue. Can you ping and telenet
across your ppp connection before you start XWindows? I'm not aware of
anything XWindows does that might stop your ppp interface from working.
First see if you can ping from the text console. Also check to see if your
DNS entries are setup right, and your resolver is also setup. If you send
me copies of their config files I can look them over. Also once you are
connected type "netstat -nr" and send me the output. That's the route
table. I'm interested in the entry - your Default route. It
should be set to your dialup gateway (either statically assigned or
dynamically when you connect) and the pppX interface where X is the
interface number usually 0.
Mark Tolman
PS the config files are:
At 09:33 AM 2/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>After messing around with the jumpers on the internal modem, I can connect
>to my IP server before I start X-Window. However, once I started X-Window
>and Netscape Communicator I can't connect to any web sites even though the
>connection to my IP server is still active. Any help would greatly
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