Mike Bilow
mikebw at
Wed Jan 27 04:34:00 EST 1999
Stephane Alnet wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:
>I tried editting lilo.conf, but that didn't work. One the boot message
>i get "eth0" 3com 3c905b cyclone 100basetx at 0x1000, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,
>irq 11".
SA> All 'ff' is definitely not a valid Ethernet address :)
SA> If you read the Ethernet howto, you'll see it means the
SA> system didn't actually find a card there ("The 0xff values
SA> arise because that is the value that is returned when one
SA> reads a vacant i/o port.").
Note, however, that a problem with just the IRQ assignment could account for an
inability to read any data from the card, including the MAC address.
-- Mike
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