[MDLUG] Upgrading Linux Version
Subba Rao
subb3 at ibm.net
Fri Jul 2 11:52:20 EDT 1999
I do not mean to be rude here. But, I think you should go and read
and similar sites. You question is too broad to answer. If you
questioned this a few years
ago, when a standard installation was no more than 100MB, it was easy to
answer. Linux,
these days has 500MB+ standard installation. Now, where do you want the
answer to begin?
Short answer to your question, it has a newer kernel.
By all means read the linux web sites.
Again, this is not a flame.
Subba Rao
subb3 at ibm.net
Radhika Srivatsa wrote:
> I currently run Red Hat Linux release 5.0 with Kernel 2.0.32.
> How much work is it to upgrade to Red Hat v6.0 and also what are the
> advantages of the upgrade?
> Thanks!
> -Radhika Srivatsa
> Operations Support Systems, ANS-UUNET:an MCI-Worldcom Company.
> Voice: (734)214-5970 Pager: (888)561-7695 Fax: (734)214-7343
> radhika at ans.net
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