Since we are on the subject of dhclient
Jerry Feldman
gaf at
Wed Jul 7 18:40:32 EDT 1999
I just returened from Nashville, booted my system up in SuSE, and
dhclient failed as it did a month or so ago. At that time I fiddled with it. It
was working fine before I went to Nashville. I had intended to leave Linux up
when I left, buit I instead left Windoz up. Turning debug on, the message
received is "DHCPOFFER unsatisfactory response:"
It does port the address the offer is received from. Absolutely zero changes
were made to the configuration prior to Nashville, and the Linux partitions
have been untouched since Windoz was running. I'll try mucking with the
script again. Might have something to do with the lease expiring or with
some of the files that are built dynamically.
| Gerald Feldman <gaf at> |
| Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting |
| ICQ#156300 | |
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