Remeber when I ranted about RH 6.0...

Christoph linuxguy at
Wed Jul 28 22:04:28 EDT 1999


a few weeks back I ranted a little about RH 6.0 and a goofy mechanism
for setting device permissions when people logged onto the system.

I did a little digging, and discovered the culprit is PAM (Pluggable
Authentication Modules).  There's a new rule added to /etc/pam.d/login
called /lib/security/

This statement I believe calls the console-helper which in turn calls
the user-helper (the setuid program which fixes the perm's in /dev).

If you are like me, and don't want the login process monkeying around
with the permissions of files in /dev,
the simple fix ought to be to remove the line. I will experiment and
report back...

| christoph
| linuxguy at

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