SuSE install
John Abreau
jabr at
Tue Jun 15 12:38:14 EDT 1999
I haven't worked with SuSE myself; I'm not sure what you're missing here.
Jerry Feldman tried it and was favorably impressed. I'm forwarding your
message to him and to our discussion list.
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Leslie Owen Everett wrote:
> Hi John,
> I'm the new user who wrote to you once before about networking my Compaq
> Armada 4120 notebook running RH 5.2, thanks again for that information. I
> thought I would attempt to upgrade RH 5.2 to 6.0, but was unable to
> because for some reason the pcmcia supplement disk RH 6.0 generates can't
> mount pcmcia services. So I decided to take your advice and install SuSE
> 6.1 instead. I have a question about installation, perhaps you can offer a
> suggestion.
> I connected the external pcmcia CD-ROM drive with the SuSE CD-ROM in it to
> the PC card slot, loaded the SuSE 6.1 boot disk, powered up the computer.
> Here's what happened:
> 1. Please choose the language -> English -> ok
> 2. What kind of display do you use? -> color display -> ok
> 3. Please choose a keyboard map. YaST will offer you additional keyboard
> tables later on -> English (US) -> ok
> 4. Main menu -> start installation/system -> ok
> 5. Start installation/system -> start installation -> ok
> 6. Please choose the source media -> CD-ROM -> ok
> 7. Could not mount the CD-ROM! -> ok
> RH 5.2 and 6.0 at this point request the supplement pcmcia disk, and then
> mount the pcmcia CD-ROM drive, SuSE 6.1 doesn't ask for the modules disk.
> It doesn't make any attempt to locate the pcmcia CD-ROM. I would very much
> appreciate any ideas you might have about this. My question is, am I
> missing something? Thanks,
> - Leslie Everett
John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email: jabr at / URL:
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
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