SuSE install
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
cdoerbec at
Mon Jun 21 09:18:15 EDT 1999
Jerry Feldman {75562} wrote:
> That is correct. The SuSE installation does not spoon feed you like Red Hat
> does, but it is a more thorough package on the same lines as Debian.
As I am working to evaluate the various distributions, I'd have to say that
SUSE was a bit disappointing. Although this is in the field of "personal
choice" and not "technical merit"... I prefer RedHat's one CD install.
Once the system is up, then I can go back and add other packages. The fact
that I had to spoon-feed SUSE 6 CD's to install was lame.
The only demerit I've had for Caldera was that it still seeks out
the first SCSI BUS (an ISA in my case) and try's to install linux
on my temp-disk (instead of the PCI/SCSI).
- Christoph
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