HTML in Resumes for the "jobs" page
Bill Horne
bhorne at
Wed Jun 23 15:39:58 EDT 1999
Since the "look and feel" of a resume is very important to
its writer, I'm going to allow HTML
in Resumes that I put on the BLU "jobs" page. Since I have
to mark up submissions anyway,
this'll save time and allow job seekers to tailor their
resumes as they wish.
Please note that this change DOES NOT APPLY to the Help
Wanted or other pages.
Please observe these guidelines:
No BLINK tags or CGI scripts. Please eliminate any
META tags from your document.
No extended characters: ASCII values 001 - 127 ONLY. If
your name has an "extended" character in it, use an HTML
extended character, NOT a character from the IBM extended
Please avoid proprietary or non-standard tags. "STRONG" is
better than "B", "EM" is preferable to
"I", etc.
No images allowed (sorry).
I hope this will speed the process and let job seekers
achieve that "just right" look we all know is so important.
As before, send them to me with "BLU RESUME" in the Subject
Bill Horne
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