High speed Internet access alternatives???
Bill Horne
bhorne at banet.net
Sun Jun 27 21:51:18 EDT 1999
Subba Rao wrote:
> Alternatively, I thought of subscribing to an ISDN line. The telephone
> switch (from Ameritech) servicing our residential area, does not support
> ISDN lines. If I move a few blocks, I can have access to ISDN. I do not
> expect the phone switch to be replaced by Ameritech, any time soon.
Check the tariffs for your state: they may be REQUIRED to provide you
"foreign exchange" or other service to get ISDN working. Don't just
take "no"
from the business office: talk to a supervisor and check out consumer
help groups.
> I am also ruling out ADSL offerings for a while.
Why? If you're not going to get cable, that's as high a speed as you're
going to
get. (Actually, it beats cable ;-))
> Now my question is, is there any other form of high speed internet
> access. I hear of satellite based Internet connections. I don't know
> which companies offers such connections. What other alternatives are available
> to subscribe to high speed Internet connection?
I'd be wary of satellites: you'll have to rely on your telephone line
to "backhaul"
your keystrokes to the ISP, and there are other hidden costs such as
insurance on
the dish. Get all the facts before you buy.
You can find some ISP's that will allow multilink PPP connections, where
you dial
up more than one line, and join two links together for more bandwidth.
This will
give you speeds approaching ISDN 2B, but you must find a willing ISP.
> Thank you in advance.
You're welcome.
Bill Horne
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